Next-generation credit decisions powered by AI

Increase inclusion and reduce risk with the flexibility of a modern credit risk engine

Optimized Credit Offers

Find the ideal offer for each applicant

Open banking data, identity risk reports, economic data and internal data sources can be accessed in real-time to create a more comprehensive perspective on an applicant’s financial picture and make the best offer. 

Alternative Data

See the full picture with historic banking data

Classic credit risk models use financial ratios and performance segmentation to classify the risk of a loan. Open banking data provides a more balanced and personalized view of an applicant’s financial picture and allows lenders to be more equitable in their lending decisions.

Faster Innovation

Power innovation with no-code AI predictions

Your risk team is ready to innovate using new data and advanced AI techniques. Modelshop dramatically accelerates innovation by allowing risk teams to introduce new data sources,  advanced logic and AI without an additional coding step.

Real-time Decision APIs

Decision Engine APIs on Your Terms

Connect with existing applications,  databases and vendors to deliver high performing risk and credit decisions faster.

Fully customized API end-points designed for your unique lending experience, hosted by us or installed in your datacenter.

The Modelshop Process

Step One
Step One

Assess your Current Risk Strategy

Step Two
Step Two

Evaluate New Data Sources and AI Tools

Step Three
Step Three

Build and Deploy an AI Risk Engine

Step Four
Step Four

Monitor and Improve Risk Performance

Book a Call With Modelshop Now

For over a decade, Modelshop has empowered financial institutions to automate credit policies, dynamically price offers, and deliver a frictionless origination experience. We’re confident we can do the same for your team and help you maintain a competitive advantage with our AI Credit Engine.

Book a consultation call with the Modelshop team to explore options.

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