Make optimal credit offers powered by AI

Increase account growth and reduce risk by delivering the right personalized credit offer at the right time.

Portfolio Analysis

Get a 360 view of your portfolio performance

Portfolio analysis and performance metrics are critical tools for credit union staff to ensure they meet or exceed key KPIs such as engagement levels, transaction frequency, and service usage, as well as Lifetime Value (LTV) and Return on Assets (ROA).

By thoroughly analyzing your portfolio, your staff can gain valuable insights into member behaviors, preferences, and unique financial needs. This data-driven approach also enables staff to tailor their strategies and offerings, ensuring they are aligned with member expectations and market trends.

With Modelshop, your staff could meet or exceed KPIs,  identify or mitigate potential risks through proactive portfolio monitoring.

Cashflow Modeling

See the full picture with open banking data

Combining cash-flow modeling with open banking data offers credit unions a powerful tool to enhance financial offer-making and member service. Cash-flow modeling provides a detailed analysis of a member’s financial inflows and outflows, allowing credit unions to understand their financial health and predict future cash positions. When integrated with open banking data, which includes real-time financial information from multiple sources, this modeling becomes even more accurate and comprehensive.

By leveraging this combined approach, credit unions team can offer personalized financial products tailored to each member’s unique situation, ultimately improving member satisfaction and loyalty.

Offer Personalization

Say "YES" to More Members with Personalized Financial Products

The solution provides an intuitive and data-driven offer tailored to the unique needs of credit union’s members. In essence, our solution leverages data modeling, advanced analytics, and machine learning to offer personalized risk-based and member-centric financial products and offers to credit union members.

Modelshop empowers your staff to provide real-time and highly personalized financial products, fostering stronger member relationships, building on credit union’s “people helping people” mission and ensuring overall revenue growth objectives.

Real-time Offer Automation

Leverage AI automation to reduce human error and accelerate consistent approval processes

Real-time offer automation transforms the member experience for your credit unions by providing instant personalized offers that align with members’ immediate needs and preferences.

With our solution, your team can streamline everyday tasks, reduce manual errors, and optimize workflows with our platform’s automation capabilities. This also reduces the burden on staff, improves efficiency, and speeds up member service. 

How Offer Optimization Works

Step One
Step One

Assess your Current Risk Strategy

Step Two
Step Two

Evaluate New Data Sources and AI Tools

Step Three
Step Three

Build and Deploy an AI Risk Engine

Step Four
Step Four

Monitor and Improve Risk Performance

Book a Call With Modelshop Now

For over a decade, Modelshop has empowered financial institutions to automate risk-based pricing policies, dynamically price personalized offers, and deliver a frictionless experience. It is also very tech-agnostic, easy to integrate as an augmentation tool, and it can be described simply as the BOLT on your tech-stack. The solutions would eventually reduce stress and prevent burnout, allowing staff to deliver exceptional service and focus on their professional development in a resourceful and innovative work environment supported by credit unions executives. We’re confident we can do the same for your team and help you maintain a competitive advantage with our AI Offer Optimization Engine.

Book a consultation call with the Modelshop team to explore options.