Modelshop is proud to be a speaking at 2024 World Credit Union Conference

Monday, July 22, 2024 | 2:15pm - 3:15pm | Ballroom

Using AI to Create Centralized Member Decision Strategies That Deepen Member Relations

Picture of Chris Hamiliton

Chris Hamiliton

EVP-Chief Lending Officer
Golden 1 Credit Union

Picture of John San Filippo

John San Filippo

Co-Founder & Publisher

Picture of Tom Tobin

Tom Tobin

Founder & CEO

Session Overview: 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is allowing credit unions to make better credit decisions, improve efficiency, personalize loan offers, increase retention, and decrease costs without having to employ teams of data scientists and coders to make it happen. What once took months can now be done in days. 

Join this fireside chat discussion to find out how one forward-thinking credit union is leveraging an AI decision engine to leverage data from across the member life cycle to improve operations, increase equity and better serve members.

Attendee Takeaways:
  • The power of new alternative data

  • How to start using AI modeling without coders or data scientists

  • Key benefits such as better credit decisions, improve efficiency, personalize loan offers, increase retention, and overall revenue growth.

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